Thursday, February 09, 2006

Odds and ends

I heard on the radio (Domenski and Doyle on 97.1)that an Israeli company is offering people a chance to join the Mile High Club - for $200.00 you can get a 45 minute flight from Lod Airport, the plane is equipped with everything you need to join this exclusive club. (Use your imagination)

With the exception of Tayshaun Prince the Pistons starters were voted on by coaches to be reserves for the All Star game. You think Tayshaun (Nat's fave) feels like a loser tonight?

We have decided that regardless of how convenient it is for us, Jonah watches to much TV, and not coincidentally, I watch to much of Jonahs shows, the ones I like are : JoJo's circus, and Little Einsteins, I hate the wiggles and doodlebops. Now we listen to his music, and I prefer his TV shows.

I wonder how effective advertising really is. Budweiser had 10 commercials during the Super Bowl, most of them made me laugh (Except the horse that went to put a yoke by himself, that was dumb) But I still drink Labatts

Wayne Gretzky's wife allegedly bet a half million dollars on sports in the past 40 days. The Great One denied any knowledge of it. I guess it's plausible, she has her own money from her acting career, and as a coach he's away from home a lot. I just watched Gretz deny having anything to do with this gambling ring. Say it ain't say, Wayno

Does anyone care the Winter Olympics are starting this weekend?


At 3:23 AM, Blogger The Zwicker said...

Last night, ESPN was reporting that wiretaps recorded Gretzky and Tochett talking on the phone about how to keep the Mrs. out of the upcoming media feeding frenzy. That totally undermines the Great One's repeated claims this week that he knew nothing about the situation.

At 4:56 AM, Blogger Olah Chadasha said...

Sad sad situation that is. Good free association, shu.

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Just Shu said...

It's possible that he didn't know about it until Tocchet got wind that he was in trouble, and called Gretzky and told him the situation


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