Friday, January 20, 2006

I may wear my jeans low but....

I'm no plumber. That became clearer then ever this morning. After making scallop potatos, I put the potato peels through the disposal as I am want to do after peeling potatoes. I felt water arising from under my feet. and pour out of the cabinet under the sink.

Turns out the sink disposal that, together with a friend, I installed just a few months ago had issues. The PVC pipe that connected the disposal to the wall came out of place. When I opened the cabinet door, there were bits of peel everywhere, it was pretty nasty. I had to clean out the cabinet, toss out stuff that was under there.

Then I reconnected the pipes together, tried it out, and walla, it worked. Maybe I have a future in plumbing after all.

Oh, and I wear my jeans low cuz I hate belts


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Just Shu said...

wow Krunbk that's a pretty personal question, but i don't hold anything back, yes at times, I do show off my awesoem plumbers crack

At 1:07 PM, Blogger DonutsMom said...

This is a very disturbing conversation, boys.


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