Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tuesday Night Ball

As you may know I play basletball on Tuesday night. The game follows an hour long study program. The official rules state that people who attend learning are automatically in teh first game. For the most part I have no problem with that rule, the people who just shopw up for ball shouldnt play ahead of the learners.

But I think this rule needs to be ammended, and they shoudl add a time limit. Learning ends at 9:00, followed by Maariv (evening prayer) which takes about 15 minutes. The first game should start around 9:20 AT THE LATEST. Last night we didnt get the first game started untill 9:30, because we had to wait for all teh leraners to get ready and show up, even though we had 8 guys ready to play.

In case you are wondering, last night I didn't make it to learning and had to sit untill the second game.


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