Saturday, May 07, 2005

How old am I?

Do you ever forget how old you are? We were eating lunch and at the Percemens, and somehow my age came up. I knew that I was either 23 or 24 but I had a total mental fart and couln't remember my age. I asked Nat, and she wouldn't tell me. Turns out I'm 24, which is what I thought, but in my head, 24 just didnt sound right, but I guess I'm that old. I've come to conclusion that my age doesnt matter, once you pass 21 what good does age do? age is relevant till 21 then it's where you are in life. Ob=ne of my closest friends s 36, but he got married soon after me, and has a baby a few week after I did. If i let age deterine stuff, then we probably wouldnt hang out...therefore its not a problem that I forgot my age


At 10:54 AM, Blogger Menachem said...

you're mental, man... nobody forgets their age

At 4:46 PM, Blogger stillruleall said...

just think of my age and add 2...

At 11:44 PM, Blogger 2R said...

i'm with you shu...
happens all the time

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Veev said...

One of my best friends keeps asking me, "Am I 30 or 31?" It's happens I guess, just not to everyone...


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