Thursday, February 23, 2006

American Idol

What a dumb show. This is the 5th season, and today was the first time I actually watched most an episode. Nat taped last night show, and we watched this afternoon.

Seems like every contestant sings then Randy Jackson says "dog that was awesome you're the greatest. Then Paula says how much she loves them, and how they tug at her heart strings etc.

And then Simon Cowell says just how much they each suck, and what a disaster this competition is.

Finally the singer goes to Ryan Seacrest who makes fum of Simon Cowell.

You would think there would be certain criteria and things that the judges look for, but if that were the case then Cowell wouldn't think that each and every contestant sucks, while Randy and Paula sound like they want to hop into bed with every contestant.

On a different matter, after last season scandal involving Paula and the contestant she allegedly slept with, you would think that she would tone it down a bit, when she tells each and every guy how much she loves them.


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