Thursday, June 09, 2005


Last night Nat and I went to see a movie. We had planned on seeing Will Ferrels Kicking and Screaming, but we goit got caught up in Pittsbiurgh, and missed it. So we were gonna see crash, which came highly recommended, but it didnt start for an hour, and Nat wasn't sure she wanted such an intense movie. We settled on Madagascar, an animated film about zoo animals who escaped. it was an OK movie, it had its moments, but I dont think it a theater movie, unless you have kids, very approiate, and funny. NOBODY ELSE IN TOWN AGREED WITH US. we were the only people in the theater. There could be a reasonable explanatiuon for this. it was 8:45 or something, whixch is to late to take your kids to see a movie, and no one else thought iot worth seeing without kids but us. Havinga theater to yoursekf is nice, especially foir me, because I like to talk in the theaters, and those who have been to teh movies with me can vouch, I'm not to quiet about it. In an empty theater, I only bother Nat, and she is used to me by now, and can block my voice from her ears.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Yishai said...

heh, me too.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Yishai said...

Was the movie okay for a 4.5 year-old? The Digital son may see it...

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Just Shu said...

yes..I approve it for the digital son..I would even take Jonah to see it

At 2:20 PM, Blogger stillruleall said...

I thought it was a good movie, Shany fell asleep in the middle. I wonder if theres a connection between the high price of movie tickets and people who illegally download them....Its kind of ironic if you paid more because I watched it at home for free....

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Just Shu said...

I had better quality and sound system...yea..that'll help me sleep at night


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